Let's OrganizeLet's Motivate
We stand for social justice for all people but understand that each fight has a unique voice. We hope that in some way you will help push this movement forward.
Together we the people can change the world one step at a time.
Let's Push For Change

Members of Congress represent the people of their district in the United States Congress by holding hearings, as well as developing and voting on legislation. All bills must pass Congress before they can go to the President to be signed into law. Reach out to your congress member today for change in your community. More Info
The Senate has the sole power to conduct impeachment trials, essentially serving as jury and judge. Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts. Two Senators from each state are elected by the people, and serve 6 years terms. Reach out to your senator today for change in your community. More Info
The affiliates operate autonomously from the national organization; each affiliate has its own staff, executive director, board of directors, and budget. ACLU affiliates are the basic unit of the ACLU's organization and engage in litigation, lobbying, and public education. More Info
Current Social Injustices
Black Lives Matter is a central target of disinformation and you are a key line of defense. Take Action Now
Flint Michigan residents are still without clean water. An ongoing issue since 2014. Take Action Now
People around the world face violence and inequality—and sometimes torture, even execution—because of who they love, how they look, or who they are. Take Action Now
While there are many facets to an intelligent immigration reform package, one thing is clear: legalization for undocumented immigrants helps all of us. Take Action Now
Know your rights! Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Learn more here about your rights as an immigrant, and how to express them. Take Action Now
The ‘me too’ movement supports survivors of sexual violence and their allies by connecting survivors to resources. Take Action Now